
Since 1962 is active in Piedmont, based in Turin, the European Association of Entrepreneurs Executives - IDE - which groups together more than 150 people between entrepreneurs and senior executives of companies, operating in different sectors of the economy in Piedmont.

Association's primary purpose is to help form, through meetings, debates and other initiatives, entrepreneurs and Italian leaders to the responsibilities that they have to take on the job and in society at national and European framework.

Particular attention is paid to the process of economic integration, political, social and cultural development of the European Union according to the spirit and objectives of the founding Treaties.

With that purpose, IDE maintains relations with businesses and local institutions, National and International, in particular those related to the European Union.

Therefore it favors convivial meetings between entrepreneurs and executives associated with high public and private representatives, National and International, in order to exchange mutual economic, social, technical and cultural experiences at both business and professional level.

logoide scrittaUsually IDE meetings, which also involved the institutional authorities of Turin and Piedmont, are held during an informal dinner and reserved at the conclusion of which the guest illustrates the theme chosen, allowing a brief exchange of questions and answers.

Currently President is dr. Carla Patrizia FERRARI, vice presidents are dr. Stefano SERRA and dr. Davide CANAVESIO, Secretary is Remo Maria MORONE.


Among the guests of recent years: Romano PRODI in his capacity as Chairman of the Board, Michele VIETTI (vice pres. Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura), Mario MONTI (EU Commissioner) and, more recently, Paolo GARIMBERTI (president at RAI), Fabrizio SACCOMANNI (d.g. Banca d’Italia), Giampiero MASSOLO (General Secretary Ministero Affari Esteri), Ferdinando BECCALLI FALCO (c.e.o. General Eletric Europe), WU JIANMIN (Dep. Chairman China Institute for Innovation and Development), Michel FUCHS (Chairman CDU-CSU Parliamentary Group, Bundestag), Elizabeth GUIGOU (Presidente, Foreign Affairs Committee, French Parliament), Marek BELKA (European Director, IMF), Piero FASSINO (Mayor of Turin), Giuseppe RECCHI (President at ENI), Enrico CUCCHIANI (c.e.o. Intesa Sanpaolo), Franco BERNABE’ (President and c.e.o. Telecom Italia), Elsa FORNERO (Minister of Labour), Francesco PROFUMO (Minister of Education), Pietro BENASSI (Italian ambassador in Tunis), Sergio CHIAMPARINO (presidentt at Compagnia di San Paolo), Gabriele GALATERI DI GENOLA (President at Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. e President of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), Tatiana RIZZANTE (CEO di Reply S.p.A.), Lorenzo BINI SMAGHI (Member of the Board Banca Centrale Europea and President at SNAM), ing. Gianfranco LANCI (Corporate President & Chief Operating Officer at Lenovo Group), dott.ssa Cristina SCOCCHIA (managind director at L’Oreal Italia S.p.A.).


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Turin Palace Hotel di via Sacchi 8 Torino
Date: 10 February 2025, 19:30

Turin Palace Hotel di via Sacchi 8 Torino
Date: 28 October 2024, 19:30