IDE - Business Club Italia (BCI) twinning

IDE - Business Club Italia (BCI) twinning

The Council of IDE, as part of a policy of growth and partnerships with associations on National and International territory that have similar purposes, has deliberated the twinning with Business Club Italia with the objective of starting a fruitful collaboration in terms of exchange of ideas and experiences.

Founded in 1995, the BCI is a think-tank that brings together entrepreneurs, bankers, lawyers and Italian professionals working in the City of London.

Over the years, the BCI has hosted Prime Ministers, Presidents of the most important listed companies, both Italian and non-CEOs and entrepreneurs.

The aim of the BCI meetings is to provide a platform for exchanging views among the protagonists of Italian economic, financial and political life with Italians working in the City of London.




Events by Data

Turin Palace Hotel di via Sacchi 8 Torino
Date: 10 February 2025, 19:30

Turin Palace Hotel di via Sacchi 8 Torino
Date: 28 October 2024, 19:30